05 amazing tips that will help you stay focused while studying

6 min readApr 14, 2022
Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash

Do you struggle to stay focused while studying?

Does your attention easily divert to unimportant tasks, and do you lose your time daydreaming?

According to the research conducted by professor Larry D. Rosen, “a typical student is distracted 05 out of 15 mins of the time he is assigned to study”. This study clearly tells the story of an average student’s attention span.

In the digitalized world, push notifications, the continuous bombardment of emails, and cell phone beeping can easily distract students’ focus. The reckless temptation to check the phone when it beeps inhibits students’ attention. This short attention span results in poor understanding of the critical concepts, which directly impacts students’ grades and education.

This article [05 amazing tips that will help you stay focused while studying] will emphasize the importance of focus and coaches the students on how to keep focus during study time.


Why staying focused while studying is essential?

05 amazing tips that will help you stay focused while studying

  1. Make your study schedule, and stick to it
  2. Remove digital distractions
  3. Make pomodoro technique your best friend
  4. Create a peaceful study environment
  5. Take breaks, calm your mind

A bonus tip before you go away:

Why staying focused while studying is essential?

Focus is directly proportional to productivity. The more focused you are, the more productive you will be.

Your concentration defines the possible outcomes of your actions. If you stay focused and utilize all your energies, the result can be tremendous. While, if you let yourself distracted, the consequences can be dreadful.

For a student, the lack of focus can result in a disaster. It has both individual as well as collective ramifications.

From failing the critical subject to losing the opportunity to get hired by a favorite firm, the compromised attention span can have reckless repercussions for the students. Besides this, the failure of the youth in academics can also impact the nation’s future.

To avoid such a disaster, the students should adopt the following tips that will help them stay motivated, organized, and focused.

05 amazing tips that will help you to stay focused while studying

We know distractions are everywhere. Wherever you go, you will find some distraction.

To avoid and manage these distractions, below, we have compiled a list of 05 practical and workable tips that will help you to stay focused and motivated during your studies.

1. Make your study schedule, and stick to it:

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

One of the leading causes of distraction and ill-concentration is a lack of goals and objectives.

Have you ever confronted a situation where you are motivated to study, but when you open your laptop or book, you got an awkward question: now what?

This situation happens only when you don’t have your study schedule. It is necessary for you to make a plan according to your available hours and prioritize your tasks. Prioritizing your assignment will help you stay focused while studying.

While making your study schedule, please make sure to consider the following things:

  • Your daily routine
  • Free available hours
  • Your most important tasks and their deadlines

So, the study schedule you make after considering these points will guide you and will facilitate you in achieving your study goals.

2. Remove digital distractions

In his research, Larry D. Rosen finds that the moment the smartphone screen flashes, the student gets anxious to see the new notification. Forgetting what he was doing, the student picked up the phone and got lost in the digital valleys.

Photo by ROBIN WORRALL on Unsplash

Another report suggests that it takes 23 mins to refocus on work once we are distracted. So, these researches point out how digital products and tech-savvy devices can deviate our focus.

To avoid digital deviations, you must turn off all notifications. Don’t let your phone beep while you are studying. Although, the best solution is to put your phone or any tech devices away from you. But as we know, with the advent of online classes, it has become more complex.

Still, you can block notifications, pause text messages, and delay email bombardment.

So, this will help you eliminate the greater source of distraction.

3. Make Pomodoro Technique your best friend:

Photo by Tristan Gassert on Unsplash

Make the Pomodoro technique your best friend if you struggle to stay focused.

This technique has been praised worldwide for the tremendous results it could generate. It can help you maintain your focus and organize yourself for the more significant tasks.

This technique suggests that you set a 25-minute timer and focus intently on your task by removing all the distractions. The only thing you should be concerned about during this period should be your task. In this way, you could use your time effectively, and it will help you complete the tasks you are doing. Once the timer rings, take a 05-minute break and repeat.

Another most important benefit of the Pomodoro technique is it keeps you on track. It helps you recoding your productivity and efficiency during that period. By keeping track, you can analyze how much time you spend on the task. And how you can improve your efficiency for future projects and assignments.

4. Create a peaceful study environment

You cannot sit in the middle of the road and start reading your lessons. Similarly, the noisy family room in your house will not allow you to stay focused while studying. You will be distracted time and again by their laughter, stories, and discussions.

This makes it crucial for you to have a dedicated space for study. Look for a peaceful space in your house and make it your study area.

Make sure you let others know that this dedicated area is only reserved for studying purposes. And no other activity will be performed during the study hours.

Make sure wherever you choose your study location, it should have these things:

  • Comfortable study table and chair
  • Access to electricity switch
  • Clean and clear environment
Photo by Slava Keyzman on Unsplash

This way, you can create a suitable study environment where you can study dedicatedly without getting distracted.

5. Take breaks, calm your brain

Studies repeatedly show that productivity increases when students take regular breaks. By breaking down your revision or essay writing into manageable chunks, you’re more likely to remain focused and keep your brain engaged on the subject at hand.

For every 45 minutes of solid work you do, take a 15-minute break away from your desk.

Whether popping outside for some fresh air, having a quick tidy, or doing some stretches, we guarantee your brain will thank you later!

A bonus tip before you go away:

Only your short attention span doesn’t have to be the result of external factors. There can be other psychological or emotional reasons that may distract you from your track. This can be anything:

  • You may not like your course
  • You are interested in other subjects, and career
  • You have some traumatic event

So, along with the external factors, there can also be psychological problems that can lead to a short attention span.

Therefore, you should also consider this aspect while analyzing yourself.




A Student, a learner, and an expressive soul trying to use the magic of words.